اللهمّ طَهّرني فيهِ من
الدَنَسِ والأقْذارِ وصَبّرني فيهِ على كائِناتِ الأقْدارِ ووَفّقْني فيهِ
للتّقى وصُحْبةِ الأبْرارِ بِعَوْنِكَ يا قُرّةَ عيْنِ المَساكين
Dua for 13th Day
O Allah
remove from me, in this month, the impurities of soul immorality and
tendency to turn from good with disgust; let me be calm and composed in
the face of events and accidents that have to happen; let me attach
myself to piety and make friends with the pious, through Thy assistance,
O the Apple of the eyes of the docile.