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Dua for 17th Day


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دعاء اليوم السابع عشر
اللهمّ اهْدِني فيهِ لِصالِحِ الأعْمالِ واقْضِ لي فيهِ الحَوائِجَ والآمالِ يا من لا يَحْتاجُ الى التّفْسير والسؤالِ يا عالِماً بما في صُدورِ العالَمين صَلّ على محمّدٍ وآلهِ الطّاهِرين.
Dua for 17th Day
O Allah guide me to do good deeds, in this month; take a favourable decision in the matter of my needs and desires, O He who is such that there is no need to draw His attention by making a request or by giving information, (because) He is aware of that which every human being longs for secretly in his or her heart; send blessing on Muhammad and on his pure and purified children.