Three kinds of Kaffara
together (giving food to 60 poor people, 60 days of fasting and setting
a slave free).
A person who undertakes personal
One who does not believe in
oneness of Allah and prophethood or both, in other words:
1. A person who
believes Allah has companions;
2. A person who denies existence of Allah;
3. One who doubts about above points;
4. One who denies prophethood of
the Holy Prophet of Islam (AS);
5. One who denies necessity of religion
and his denial leads to denial of Allah and the Holy Prophet (AS).
Kafire Harbi:
A Kafir who is fighting
with Muslims.
Kafire Zimmi:
A person from “the People
of the Book (Ahllo Ketab)” who is living under protection of Islamic government
provided that he observers certain conditions.
Quality. Method of performing.
Kashfe Khalaf:
Disclosure of violation.
Kathira, Istihaza
Kathirul Shak:
A person who doubts
too much.
Personal surety.
Option. Option to cancel a
transaction, which are 11 cases and in each of them, parties may invalidate
the transaction.
Khoof :
Namaze Khoof.
Kurr Water:
certain amount of water
which its dimension and quality are described in Article 19.