InterestQ1: what is your fatwa about giving or taking interest?A1: To pay interest is Haraam, the same way as charging interest. However, if a person takes a loan against interest, he does not become its owner, and he should not exercise his right of disposal over it. And if it is known that the creditor would have allowed him the use of money loaned, even if they would not have agreed on interest, then the debtor can exercise his discretion over the money loaned to him without any objection. Q2: Is it permissible to take interest from a non-Muslim? A2: Taking interest from non-Muslims who are not living within the borders of an Islamic state is permissible and there would be no objection in it. However, you cannot take interest from Muslims. Q3: Is it permissible to take interest from non-Muslim banks? A3: Yes, it is permissible. IddahQ1: What does Iddah mean?A1:Idda means a time period in which a woman should stay away from marrying another man. Q2: Why is the prescribed waiting period (iddah) 4 months and 10 days for the widow, and 3 menstrual cycles for the divorced woman? A2: It may be that the longer prescribed period of waiting for the widow is out of respect for her husband, aside from the side matters of his departure. However it must be noted that the essential point in observing the iddah, is religious obedience. Q3: Can a man force his wife out of his home during Iddah (waiting period)? A3: During the Iddah, husband must not kick his wife out of the house. Interaction in Social LifeQ1: Can I eat at the house of Ahle Kitab even though their books aren't the true Bible and Torah?A1: If their food is made from the meat of an animal which has not been slaughtered according to Islamic rules, it is not permissible. Q2: What is the limit and scope of interaction for a convert to Islam whose family are not Muslims – they may either be People of the Book or non-Believers? What guidance would you offer them? A2: He must keep good relation with his parents, brothers and sisters and behave in such a manner that they are attracted towards the religion of Islam. Q3: Can a Muslim individual take part in lectures, Seminars, etc. in which women are in complete, proper Hijab? A3: There is no problem. Q4: Can a Muslim individual take part in lectures, Seminars, etc… in which women are not in complete, proper Hijab? A4: There is no problem but you should enjoin them. Q5: Is it permissible to attend a social gathering (non-Religious or non-Educative gatherings) in which women are in complete, proper Hijab? A5: It is permissible. Q6: Is it permissible to attend a social gathering (non-Religious or non-Educative gatherings) in which women are not in complete, proper Hijab? A6: It is not permissible. Q7: Is it haram for me to go to to a gym ( a training center for body builders) where women and men both can sign up for training there? It is nearly impoossible to find a gym that is only restricted for men, here in Scandinavia (Denmark). How should I act? A7: It is not permissible to go to such gymnasiums. You can take exercise in your house. InheritanceQ1: In an age in which more and more people are accepting Islam leaving behind them non-Muslim relatives (mother, father, husband/wife, children), what is the ruling on inheritance? Do these people inherit from a deceased Muslim and does a Muslim inherit from his deceased family members?A1: Muslims inherit them but they do not inherit Muslims. Q2: Does a non-Muslim father inherit his son? A2: No, he does not. Q3: What are those things which only the eldest son inherits? A3: The Holy Qur’an, a ring, and a sword of the deceased and the dress or the clothes that he/she has got for wearing, if not worn, belong to the eldest son. And if of the 4 things, the deceased has left more than one, for example if he has left two copies of the Qur’an, or two rings, if they are used or ready for use, they belong to the eldest son. Q4: I know a person who has killed a relative in an unclear circumstance, does he inherit him? A4: If a person kills one of his relatives intentionally and unjustly, he does not inherit from him. But, if it was due to some error, for example, if he threw a stone in the air and by chance, it hit one of his relatives and killed him, he inherits from him. Nevertheless, he does not inherit from the Diyah (blood money) for the killing. Q5: A Shia man got married to a Shia woman. He has some children from her. Later, he got freindly with a non-Muslim (Hindu) woman, got her converted to Shia and performed Mut'a with her for 25 years. He perfromed Nikah with her. Now , he wants to divide his property among his children and both his wives. Are both his wives entitled to equal share of his property? Are the children of both the wives too entitled to equal share of the property, since the second wive's children are born out of mut'a marriage? Looking forward for your valuable response. May Almighty Allah protect you from the eneimes of Islam for the sake of the Muslimeeen worldwide. A5: Given the details provided in your message, both wives inherit the man, so do the children of the first and the second wife. The children inherit their father irrespective of whether they are from permanent marriage or temporary marriage. IhramQ1: I will go to Madinah and then move to Makkah to perform Hajjatul Islam? My question is what is the meqat of Ihram for the pilgrims who travel from Madinah to Makkah?A1: The should wear Ihram at Masjid al-Shajarah. Q2: If a person who is in the state of Ihram walks in the shadow, what is the Kaffara to be paid by him? A2: The Kaffara of having shadow overhead while covering a destination at the state of Ihram, is a sheep. If kaffarah has been made obligatory upon you, you must give it and do not postpone fulfilling this duty. The Kaffarah has to be distributed among the poor. Q3: Being Muhrem can I travel from Meqat to Makkah in a roofed vehicle? A3: You cannot. InvestmentQ1: Can I invest my money in the stock market?A1: There is no problem in the investment. IstikharaQ1: Can I repeat istikhara?A1: You can repeat istikhara after the situation has changed but you should give sadaqa also. Q2: Is it good to perform Istikhara when something is good by itself? A2: You must consult experts or those whose views and opinions you confide. If after consultation with them you do not come to a conclusion, you can do Istikhara. Islamic Dress CodeQ1: What are the rules of "Hijab" for men?A1: It is obligatory for a man to cover her private parts or the genital area. It is also necessary for him as a measure of precaution to cover the part between his navel and knees. If wearing inappropriate clothes is considered publicly offensive or degrading for him, he should avoid doing so. Q2: What are the decrees of Ayatullah Lankarani concerning the dress code of Muslim women? A2: The principle of ‘ Hijab’, Islamic covering, is one of the certainties and indisputable things in Islam, which has been ordained in the Holy Qur’an. Women must cover their entire body and their hair, with the exception of the hands and face, in the presence of strangers [non-mahrams]. It is not permitted for women to wear provocative clothing in the presence of strangers. You can wear a long dress and scarf, or a chador if you wish. Q3: Is it obligatory (wajib) for a woman to cover the upper part of the feet? What if she does not cover it? A3: A woman must cover her feet, fully, in the presence of strangers (non-mahram). If she does not do so she has committed a sin. Q4: Following the tragedy on September 11th, 2001, Muslims in America and Europe have subsequently become the targets of attack and even murder. It is probable that if Muslims did not look obviously like Muslims, the chance of being recognised and attacked for being Muslim would be considerably reduced. In these circumstances is it permissible for Muslims living in the West to shave off their beards and take off their scarves (hijab) in order to practice dissimulation (taqiyyah)? A4: It is obligatory on all Muslims to uphold their Islamic appearance, and hijab - the correct form of covering - is one of the obligatory acts of the religion of Islam. If it is possible to keep the beard and hijab then you should do so, however if it is not then at least try to practise what suffices, but do not exceed this. As soon as the situation improves you must go back to observing the Islamic viewpoint on the matter, and keep your Islamic appearance. Q5: Here men and women go together in a bus and a metro. And there are sometiems crowd there. When Hijabi women go to work or university, sometimes she cannot protect herself to touch a na-mahram. Is a woman allowed to go out in this case or should she stay at home? A5: If going out of home has any such haram implications like touching a non-mahram, she should not go. If possible, she must use another means of transportation so as to avoid physical contact with non-mahram men. Israeli ProductsQ1: Is it permissible to buy Israel products?A1: No, it is not permissible. Q1: There are companies that either directly or indirectly support the illegitimate government of Israel, is it allowed to carry out business transactions with them? A1: It is not permissible to carry out business transactions with them. IstibraQ1: What is Istibra? Would you kindly explain how Istibra is done?A1: Istibra is a recommended act for men after urinating. Its object is to ensure that no more urine is left in the urethra. There are certain ways of performing Istibra, and the best of them is that after the passing of urine, if the anus also becomes Najis it is made clean first. Thereafter, the part between the anus and the root of penis should be pressed thrice, with the middle finger of the left hand. Then the thumb is placed on the penis, and the forefinger below it pressing three times up to the point of circumcision, then the front part of the penis should be jerked three times. Q2: If a person discharges liquid and doubts whether he performed Istibra or not, what must he do? Can he treat the moisture as clean? A2: If a person doubts whether he has performed Istibra or not, and then discharges a liquid about which he is not sure whether it is clean or not, that liquid is will be deemed Najis, and if he has performed Wudhu it becomes void. However, if he doubts whether he performed the Istibra correctly or not, that liquid will be clean, and it will not invalidate the Wudhu. Islamic SlaughteringQ1: Is it allowed to slaughter a halal animal with a machine, when a Muslim starts the machine and all other conditions are observed such as the recitation of Allah's name, and facing the qibla? Is this meat permissible for consumption?A1: According to the conditions mentioned, it is acceptable, and therefore eating such meat is allowed. |