In the name of Allah, the Compassionate the Mercifulوسيعلم اللذين ظلموا اي منقلب ينقلبونAnd they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they
shall turn back. (26:227) فاليك يارب المشتكي وعليک المعول في الشدة والرخاءNow it is necessary upon the people to show their means of hatred and disgust, which is the lowest level of combat against arrogance, in the form of widespread demonstrations and gatherings so that if, God forbid, the same situation continues they may have to resort to higher levels of those means.الهي انت القادر بالقدرة المطلقة وانا معترفون بذلک و بعجزنا ففرج عن المسلمين بحق اوليائک الطاهرين29/2/1383 (A.H) |