Some Other Issues Regarding Hayz.500. If a Mubtadea, a Mudhtaribah, a Naisya, and a woman with the fixed habit of duration, see blood with the signs of Hayz, or are certain that the discharge would last for three days, they must abandon the obligatory prayers. But if they understand that it was not Hayz, they have to give the Qadha of the prayers they did not perform, but if she is certain that the discharge would last for three days and she does not have the signs of Hayz, as an obligatory precaution, she must perform the rules of Istihaza until 3 days and refrain from doing what is Haraam for Haaez, and if she is not Pak after three days, she must consider it as Hayz 501. If a woman has a fixed habit of Hayz, either of time or of duration or of both, and if she sees blood for two consecutive months contrary to her usual habit in which her finds that the time, the duration or both coincide then she has formed a new habit. For example, if previously she saw blood from 1st to 7th of a month, but during these two months she saw it from the 10th to 17th, then the period from 10th to 17th of the month will be her new habit 503. If a woman usually sees blood once in a month, but in a particular month she sees it twice with signs of Hayz, and if the number of intervening days during which she remained Pak is not less than 10, she should treat both as periods of Hayz 504. If a woman sees blood with signs of Hayz for 3 days and thereafter for 10 or more, she sees blood with the signs of Istihaza ad again she sees blood with signs of Hayz for 3 days, she should treat the first and last bleeding as Hayz. 505. If a woman becomes Pak before the expiry of 10 days
and feels that there is no blood in her interior part, she should do Ghusl for the acts of
worship although she may have a 506. If a woman becomes Pak before 10 days, but feels that
there might be blood in her interior part, she should insert cotton and wait for some time
to find out. If she finds out that she has become Pak, she should take bath and perform
her acts of worship. And if she finds out that she has not become Pak totally, and she
does not have a fixed habit of Hayz or if her habit is 10 days, then she will wait. If she
becomes Pak before ten days, she will Ghusl. If she becomes Pak on completion of 10 days,
or if her bleeding exceeds ten days, then she will do Ghusl at the end of 10th day. 507. if a woman treats the blood she saw during certain days as Hayz and did not perform her acts of worship and comes to know later that it was not Hayz, she should give Qadha of the lapsed prayers, and fasts, which she left out. And if she performs acts of worship under the impression that the blood is not Hayz, but realizes later that it was Hayz, then the fasts kept in those days will be void and, therefore, she should give Qadha of those fasts. |