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Ghufayla prayer

775. Ghufayla prayers is one of the Mustahab prayers which is offered between Maghrib and Isha prayers. Its time is after Maghrib prayer till the redness in western sky is gone. In its first Rak’at after Surah al-Hamd, instead of any other Surah, the following verses should be recited: Wa znnuni iz zahaba mughaziban fazanna an ian naqdira ‘alayhi fanada fiz zulumati an la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimin fastajabna lahu wa najjaynahu minal ghammi wa kazalika nunjil muminin. In the second Rak’at after Surah al-Hamd, instead of other Surah, the following verse should be recited: Wa ‘indahu mafatihul ghaybi la ya’lamuha illa ya’lamuha wa la habbatin fi zulumatil wal bahri wa ma tasqutu min waraqatin illa yalamuha wa la habbatin fi zulumatil arz wa la ratbin wa la yabisin illa fi kitabim mubin. And in Qunut this Dua be recited: Alla humma inni as aluka bi magatihli ghaybil lati la ya’lamuha illa anta an tusalliya ‘ala Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammad wa an taf al bi … (here one should mention his wishes).
Thereafter, the following Dua should be read: Alla humma anta waliyyu ni’mati wal qadiruala talabati talamu hajati fa as aluka bihaqqi Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammadin ‘alayhi wa ‘alay himussalamu lamma qazaaytaha li.