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Things which are permissable for prostration

1097. Sajdah should be performed on earth, and on those things, which are not edible nor worn, and on things which grow from earth (e.g. wood and leaves of trees). Performing Sajdah on things which are used as food or dress, or on things which are mineral, such as metals, gold, silver, and also Aqiq and Torquise is void. But Sajdah on mineral stones such as marble, and black stones is in order.

1098. Sajdah should not be performed on the vine leaves, when they are delicate and hence edible. Otherwise, there is no objection.

1099. It is in order to perform Sajdah on things which grow from the earth, and serve as fodder for animals (e.g. grass, hay).

1100. It is in order to perform Sajdah on flowers which are not edible, but on medicinal herbs which grow from the earth, such as violet and cowslip is not in order.

1101. Performing Sajdah on a grass which is eaten in some parts of the world, bu not in the rest, but it is classified as edible, will not be permissible. Similarly, Sajdah on raw fruits is not allowed, but Sajdah on tobacco is in order

1102. It is allowed to perform Sajdah on limestone and gypsum, baked gypsum, lime, brick and baked earthenware and the like.

1103. It is in order to perform Sajdah on paper, if it is manufactured from allowed sources like wood or grass, and also if it is made from cotton or flax. But if it is made from silk etc., Sajdah on it will not be permissible, as an obligatory precaution.

1104. Turbatual Husayn is the best thing for performing Sajdah. After it, there are earth, stone and grass, in order of priority.

1105. If a person does no possess anything on which it is allowed to perform Sajdah, or, even if he possesses such a thing, he cannot perform Sajdah on it due to severe heat or cold, or because of Taqayyah, he should perform Sajdah on his clothes if they are made of cotton and if they are made of some other thing, he may perform Sajdah on them and if that is not possible, he may perform it on the back of his hand and if that is not also possible, as an obligatory precautio, he may do it on a mineral like Aqiq.

1106. Sajdah on clay and running dust that forehead cannot be placed on it steadily, if after a little pressure it comes to rest, is in order.

1107. If in first Sajdah, Mohr sticks to forehead, one must make another Sajdah again and it will be two Sajdah, but it is better to separate the Mohr from forehead

1108. If the things which is used for Sajdah is lost during prayer and one does not have a proper thing at hand, he must break prayer, but if the time is short or there is nothing proper, one must perform Sajdah to his/her clothes which is from cotton and if it is made of something else, he/she may perform Sajdah to that, and if that is not possible, on the back of his hand and if that is not possible, as a precaution, he/she must perform Sajdah to a mineral such as Aqiq.

1109. If a person realizes in Sajdah position that he/she has put his forehead over something which is permissible, if possible he/she must change it to a correct thing and if there is not enough time, he must act as explained in previous point.

1110. If one realizes after Sajdah that he/she has put his/her forehead over something that is not permissible, it is in order.

1111. Sajdah for anything except than Allan the Almighty is Haraam and if common people put their head on the ground in front of Imams (AS) shrines, if it is for thanking Almighty, it has no harm but otherwise it is Haraam.