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Obligatory Sujood for the Holy Qur'an

1114. Upon reciting or hearing any of the following verses of the Holy Qur’an, the performance of Sajdah becomes obligatory: Surah an-Najm, 53:15; Surah al-‘Alaq, 96:19; Surah wa Alam Tanzil, 32:15; Surah Ha Mim Sajdah, 41:38.

1115. When a person recites the verse Sajdah or hears it when recited by someone else, he should perform two Sajdahs.

1116. If a person hears a verse of Sajdah, while he is in Sajdah other than that of Namaz, he should raise his head from that Sajdah, and perform another one.

1117. If one hears a verse of Sajdah from radio or TV or a tape-recorder or computer, it is not necessary to perform Sajdah; but if there is live broadcast and one hears them, he/she must perform Sajdah.

1118. As an obligatory precaution, in obligatory Sajdah, edible things and clothes cannot be used for Sajdah, but other conditions of Sajdah in Namaz is not necessary in this case.

1119. The obligatory Sajdah for Qur’an should be performed in a way that it can be said that there is a Sajdah; in other words, Niyyat and normal appearance of Sajdah are sufficient

1120. When a person performs the obligatory Sajdah upon hearing the relevant verse, it will be sufficient, even if he does not recite any Zikr. However, it is Mustahab to recite Zikr, preferably the following: La ilaha illal lahu haqqan haqqa; La ilaha illal lahu imanan wa tasdiqa; La ilaha illal lahu ‘ubudiyyatanwa riqqa; Sajadtu laka ya Rabbi ta’abbudan wa riqqa la mustankifan wa la mustak biran balana ‘abdun za’ifun kha’ifun mustajir.

1121. The obligatory Sajdah of Qur’an does not have Takbiratul Ehram, Tashahhud, and Salam. But, as an obligatory precaution, one must recite Takbir after raising his head from Sajdah.