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What is unrecommended in Namaz

1179. It is Makrooh that a person in Namaz slightly turns his face towards right or left. It is Makrooh during prayers to shut the eyes or turn towards right or left, and to play with one’s beard and hands, and to spit. It is also Makrooh to look at the writing of the Holy Qur’an, or some other books or a ring. It is also Makrooh to become silent while reciting Surah al-Hamd, or any other Surah, or Zikr, so as to listen to some conversation. And in fact, every such act, which disturbs attention and humility is Makrooh.

1180. It is Makrooh for a person to offer prayers when he is feeling drowsy, or when he restrains his urge for urinating or defecation. Similarly, it is Makrooh to offer prayers with tight socks, which press the feet. There are other things also which are Makrooh in Namaz. They are mentioned in detailed Figheh books on the subject.