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Traveler's prayer
part 2

The second condition is that the traveler should intend at the time of the commencement of the journey, to cover a distance of 8 Farsakh. If he travels up to a point, which is less than 8 Farsakh away, and after reaching there decides to go further, and the two distances, when combined total 8 Farsakh, he should offer full prayers. This is so, because he did not intend travelling 8 Farsakh when he commenced his journey. But if he decides to travel further 8 Farsakh from there, or to got to a distance of 4 Farsakh and then to cover another 4 Farsakh to return home, or to go to a place where he intends staying for 10 days, he should shorten his prayers, provided that outward journey is not less than 4 Farsakh.

1303. A person who does not know how many Farsakh his journey would be, like if he travels in search of something not knowing how far he will have to go, should offer full prayers. But, if the return journey to his home, or up to a place where he intends staying for 10 days, is 8 Farsakh or more, he should offer shortened prayers. Moreover, if he makes a Niyyat, during the journey, that he will travel 4 Farsakh and again return covering 4 Farsakh, he should shorten his prayers, provided that outward journey is not less than 4.

1304. A traveler should offer shortened prayers only when he is firmly determined to travel 8 Farsakh. Hence, if a person goes outside the city thinking that he would cover 8 Farsakh if he finds a companion, he will offer shortened prayers only if he is sure that he will find a companion. And if he is not sure to find one, he should pray full.

1305. A person who intends to travel 8 Farsakh, will pray shortened form even if he covers a little distance daily, after he/she reaches a point which he/she does not see the city wall and does not hear voice of Adhan, but if his journey is so slow that it cannot be said that he/she is a traveler, as a recommended precaution, he/she must pray both, full and shortened forms.

1306. If a person who is under the control of another person while on a journey, like a servant travelling with his master, knows that his journey is 8 Farsakh, he should offer shortened prayers.

1307. If a person who is under the control of another person while on a journey, knows or thinks that he will get separated from that person before reaching 4 Farsakh, he should offer full prayers.

1308. If a person who is under the control of another person while on a journey, feels that he would separate from that person before reaching 4 Farsakh, he should offer full prayers. But if he feels sure that he would not separate, at the same time having a faint presentiment that an impediment might occur in the journey if that impediment is not acceptable to public, he should offer shortened prayers.