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Rules of Marriage or Nikah

The relation between man and woman becomes lawful by contracting marriage. There are two kinds of marriages: Permanent marriage and fixed-time marriage. In permanent marriage, the period of matrimony is not fixed, and it is forever. The woman with whom such a marriage is concluded is called Da’ima. In a fixed-time marriage, the period of matrimony is fixed, for example, matrimonial relation is contracted with a woman for an hour, or a day, or a month, or a year, or more. This sort of fixed-time marriage is called Mut’ah or Sigha.

Rules of Marriage contract
Order of pronouncing permanent marriage
Order of pronouncing non-permanent marriage
Conditions of Marriage
Defects which entitles the other side to Nullify
Women with whom marriage is forbidden
Rules of permanent marriage
Muta'h or Siqah (Temporary Marriage)
Rules of looking
Miscellaneous issues of marriage