Traveler's prayer
part 6
The sixth condition is that the traveler
should not be a nomad, who roam about in the deserts, and temporarily stay
at places where they find food for themselves, and fodder and water for
their animals, and again proceed to some other place after a few day’s
halt. During these journeys the nomads should offer full prayers.
If a nomad travels to find out residence for himself, and pasture for his
animals, he should offer full prayers, but, as an obligatory precaution,
he/she must pray both shortened and full.
1327. If a nomad travels to find out
residence for himself, and pasture for his animals, he should offer full
prayers, if his journey is 8 Farsakh. But, as an obligatory precaution,
he/she must pray both shortened and full prayers.
If a nomad travels for Ziyarat, Hajj (pilgrimage), trade or any
other similar purpose, he should shorten his prayers.