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Traveler's prayer
part 7

The seventh condition is that traveling should not be his profession, like the camel riders, drivers, herdsmen and sailors. Such people will pray full, even if they travel for their personal work, like transporting their own household effects. But in the first trip, their Namaz will be broken, even if it takes a long time.

1329. If a person whose profession is traveling, travels for another purpose like for Hajj, he should shorten his prayers. If, for example, the driver of automobile hires out his vehicle for pilgrimage, and incidentally performs pilgrimage himself as well, he should offer full prayers.

1330. If Hamlehdar or a person whose profession is that of a courier, that is, a person who travels in certain months to transport the pilgrims to Mecca, is traveling, he/she should offer shortened prayers.

1331. If a person whose profession is that of a courier who takes pilgrims to Mecca from distant places, spends a considerable part of the days in a year travelling, he should offer full prayers.

1332. A person whose profession for a part of the year is travelling, like a driver who hires out his automobile during winter or summer, should offer full prayers during those journeys, and the recommended precaution is that he should offer short prayers, as well as full prayers.

1333. If a driver or a hawker, who goes round within an area of 2 or 3 Farsakh in the city, happens to travel on a journey consisting of 8 Farsakh, he should shorten his prayers.

1334. If a person whose profession is travelling, stays in his hometown for 10 days or more, with or without the original intention, he should offer full prayers during the first journey that he undertakes after ten days.

1335. If a person whose profession is travelling, stays at his hometown or any other place for 10 days with or without any intention, he should perform both short prayers when he undertakes his first journey after ten days.

1336. A person whose profession is travelling, like a student who travels to another city for studying and usually returns home on weekends, or teachers or employees and workers that travel daily from their hometown to other places which are as far as religious measures, and they work there and return at night, as an obligatory precaution, must pray shortened and their fast is not in order except when they intend to stay at their working place for 10 days.

1337. A person who tours different cities, and has not adopted a homeland for himself, should offer full prayers.

1338. If a person whose profession is not travelling, has to travel quite often to transport a commodity he owns, he will pray Qasr.

1339. If a person is not a professional traveler, and he has abandoned his homeland ad wants to adopt another homeland, he should shorten his prayers while he is travelling.