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  • Rules of Haaez
    Different kinds of Haaez Women
    -1. Those who have regular habit of time and duration.
    -2. Those who have only the habit of time.
    -3. Those who have only the habit of duration.
    -4. Mudhtaribah (No habit)
    -5. Mubtadea (first time)
    -6. Nasiya (forgotten)
    Some other issues regarding Hayz
  • Menstrual discharge (Hayz) is a kind of blood, which is normally discharged every month from the womb of women for a few days. When menses is discharged, the woman is called Haaez.

    435. Menses is usually thick and warm and its color is either black or red. It is discharged with a pressure and a little irritation.

    436. Sayyedeh women do not see Hayz blood after the age of 60 and those who are not Sayyedeh reach that point after the age of 50.

    437. Blood seen by a girl who has not yet completed 9 years of her age and those who are Yaisah (menopausic) is not Hayz.

    438. A pregnant woman and a breast-feeding mother, may see Hayz.

    439. If a girl does not know whether she completed nine years of age or not and if she sees blood, which does not bear any sign of Hayz, then that blood is definitely not Hayz, even if it has some semblance to it.

    440. If a woman who is doubtful as to whether or not she is Yaisah, sees blood which she cannot decide whether it is of Hayz or not she should decide that she is not Yaisah.

    441. The period of Hayz is not less than 3 days and not more than 10 days and if the period during which blood is discharged falls short of 3 days, even by a small measure of time, that blood will not be considered as Hayz

    442. The blood of Hayz flows continuously for the first 3 days. Therefore, if blood is seen for 2 days and then interrupted for 1 day and then seen again for 1 day, it will not be Hayz

    443. It is not necessary that blood flow out all the three days. It is sufficient for the blood to internally present. So, if a woman is clean for a brief period during the first 3 days and the period of being clean is so short that commonly it is said that during all three days blood was present internally, then it will be considered Hayz

    444. It is not necessary that a woman should have bleeding on the 1st and the 4th night, but it is essential that bleeding should not discontinue on the 2nd and the 3rd night. For example, if bleeding commences on the morning of the 1st day and continues till sunset on the 3rd day, it would be considered as Hayz. Similarly, if blood is seen from the middle of the 1st day and stops at the same time on the 4th day, the same will apply.

    445. If the blood is seen three days continuously and then a woman becomes Pak, if she sees blood again, and the days which she has seen blood and she has been Pak, all together is not more than ten days, the days in between, which she was Pak, are also part of Hayz period

    446. If a woman sees blood about which she is unable to discern as to whether it is the blood of wound or of Hayz, if she does not know that the wound is in left or right side, provided that it is possible, she must put some cotton inside and take it out. If the blood comes of left side, it is Hayz and if it comes out of right side, it is the blood of wound

    447. If the blood is seen more than three days and less than ten days and she does not know it belongs to Hayz or wound, if she was Hayz before that, she is considered to be in Hayz state; and if she was Pak, she is considered as Pak and if she does not know these points, she must not do things which are Haraam for a Hayz and worship as a non-Hayz woman

    448. If a woman sees a blood and she doubts whether it is Hayz or Nifas (which will be explained later), then if the conditions of Hayz are present, it is considered as Hayz

    449. If a woman is unable to decide whether the blood she has seen is of Hayz or of virginity, she should examine herself, i.e. she should insert cotton in herself and wait for some time. If she finds that only its sides have been stained with blood then it is virginal blood, and if the blood has soaked the entire piece of cotton, then it is Hayz

    450. If blood is seen for less than 3 days and then stops and starts again for 3 days the second blood will be Hayz, if the condition are present; but the first blood will not be considered as Hayz.